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Incoming First-Year Housing Resources

First-Year On-Grounds Housing Resources

Congratulations on your admittance to the University of Virginia! The resources below should help provide information about first-year housing on Grounds (including residential colleges), the housing application process, and the student and professional staff here to assist you during your first year at UVA.

First-Year Housing Webinars

UVA Admission, Class of 2029 Virtual Information Session
April 1, 2025, 7 p.m.

Zoom link coming soon!

Please join us for our virtual housing information session featuring Housing & Residence Life professional and student staff! You'll learn about first-year housing on Grounds (including residential colleges), the application process, the residential experience, and the students and professionals who are here to assist you during your first year at UVA.

If you are unable to attend the April 1 virtual session, a recording will be available following the event.


First-Year Housing in 2025-2026

UVA is committed to providing a dynamic, high-quality, and life-changing educational experience to all of its students, and this is especially true for our newest students.

Please note that there is no advantage to applying early! All first-year housing is randomly assigned following the application deadline. In addition, no financial deposit is required to apply for housing.

Our first-year housing deadlines are as follows.

  • May 1: First-Year Housing Application Opens
  • June 1: First-Year Housing Application Deadline
  • June 9-13: Roommate Preferencing Phase (optional)


Online Resources about Housing & Residence Life


Housing & Residence Life website

The Housing & Residence Life website,, contains a vast amount of information about first-year housing on Grounds at UVA:

First-Year Housing Areas:

First-Year Housing Application (available May 1)


Frequently Asked Questions

Our first-year FAQ offers answers to common questions about how to apply for housing, the assignments process, types of first-year rooms, and more!


First-Year Housing Videos

Our online video playlist is curated specifically for incoming first-year students! These videos include:


First-Year Housing Video Tours

Take a look inside first-year housing with these video tours by UVA students!

Note that these videos were produced during the COVID-19 pandemic and do not necessarily represent current conditions in first-year residence halls.


Roommate Assignment Option

Consider opting to have Housing & Residence Life assign a roommate to you --  it's an easy way to meet someone new as you start your UVA journey! Watch our Random Roommates video to hear UVA students who chose this option talk about their experiences and share advice for incoming students who are considering it.


Resident Staff

Visit the Resident Staff section of our website to learn more about our mission, and what kind of programing you can expect within your residential community.

Apply for Housing (available May 1)