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Living On Grounds FAQ

Now that you're a resident, we have put together the following information to help with general questions you may have related to living on-Grounds.

If you have any specific questions, please feel to contact us or visit our office in Gibbons House (425 Tree House Drive) in the Alderman Road Residence Area.

Helpful University of Virginia offices and phone numbers:

Dean of Students (Peabody Hall): 434.924.7133

Student Health and Wellness: 434.924.5362

Academic ID Card Office: 434.924.4508

Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk: 434.924.4357

Parking & Transportation: 434.924.7231

Student Financial Services (Student Accounts): 434.924.6000


How do I request repairs to my housing?

All maintenance requests must be submitted in the form of an online work order. Please note that by submitting an online work request, you are giving maintenance staff permission to enter your apartment to assess and correct the problem(s) reported.

New residents should use the online work order system to report existing damages within two weeks of moving in.

For emergency maintenance issues, call 434.924.3053 directly. Systems Control will respond to these calls after hours, on weekends, and on holidays.


What if I get locked out?

Don't panic!

If you have a keyless lock and you’ve accidentally left your ID in your room, you can use the CS Gold OpenMyDoor function to unlock your door from your mobile phone. See for more information. Note that OpenMyDoor is meant for occasional use only. If you've permanently lost your ID card, you must immediately report the loss using the Cavalier Advantage website, then go the ID Card Office on the first floor of O-Hill Dining during business hours to purchase a replacement.

If you have a keyed lock, please call Systems Control at 434.924.3053 (day or night). A member of the facilities staff will be dispatched to your location. You must present a student ID or other photo ID (driver's license, state ID or military ID). If you do not have your ID, another student who has their student ID may vouch for you. Note that if you lose a key, you must report it using the online lock change request. Your student account will be billed $100.00 per lock changed. Lock changes will occur regardless of the circumstances surrounding the key loss.

If you have your University ID or physical key and you are not able to access your room during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday), please submit a maintenance request. After business hours, or on a weekend or holiday, please call 434.924.3053.


May I have overnight guests stay with me?

The Terms & Conditions of your housing agreement state that overnight guests may not remain longer than three consecutive nights in undergraduate housing and in shared graduate housing units, or seven consecutive nights in unshared graduate and faculty/staff housing.

In shared spaces, visitation is negotiated with respect for rights and responsibilities of roommates, suitemates, and/or apartment mates. We encourage you to discuss any plans for overnight guests with your roommates and contact us if you want any help in reaching an agreement about overnight guests.


What about noise levels?

You are expected to be mindful of the work and sleeping schedules of all those with whom you share a community. If someone asks you to lower your noise level or be more quiet, you are expected to be respectful of that person and their wishes. As a general guideline, residents should keep all noise to a minimum between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

Exam Quiet Hours are in effect from 10:00 p.m. on the last day of classes each semester through the conclusion of each exam period. These hours are put in place to promote student academic success in the residential communities. During Exam Quiet Hours, noise should kept to a minimum 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

If you have unsuccessfully requested a reduction in noise, please contact a member of Resident Staff for assistance.

May I have pet(s)?

To ensure the safety of the residents, pets (except small, non-lethal fish) are prohibited in on-Grounds housing.

Residents may not shelter dogs, cats, or any other pets on the premises, even temporarily.


What am I responsible for cleaning?

Keeping your room, suite, or apartment clean is your responsibility. Bathrooms and common areas are maintained by housekeeping in first-year suite-style and hallway-style housing areas; no housekeeping services are provided to apartments or suites in upperclass housing or graduate housing. Depending upon your housing assignment, cleaning duties may include sweeping and/or vacuuming of floors; removing grease from kitchen appliances, counters, and cabinets; and keeping bathrooms clean and free of mold. See our Cleaning Tips page for other helpful information.

When using the bathtub or shower, a shower curtain must be used at all times to prevent water escaping and damaging floors. The bottom of the shower curtain must go inside the shower or tub, not outside.

Clothing must be washed in designated laundry rooms, not in-apartment washing machines (which are on the prohibited items list) or in sinks or bathtubs. Having prohibited items can result in termination of your stay in University housing.


How does the heating/cooling work in my housing?

Have a question about the heating or cooling system(s) in your housing? If something doesn't seem quite right, you may want to check out the information on our HVAC Instructions page.

If you have a heating or cooling issues that you are unable to resolve, you should can report the problem using the Work Order Management System.


Are there measures in place to prevent pests?

UVA uses an integrated pest management approach and recommendations from a leading pest control expert to determine a treatment process for roaches and other pests. This involves periodic installation of traps to assess populations, followed by baiting, and repeated testing as needed. Tenants must leave the bait in place.

Despite our best treatment efforts, roaches follow humans and are looking for food, water, and a place to live. A wonderful environment for roaches would be under a kitchen sink that’s full of dirty dishes. The following tenant responsibilities greatly help us to keep the roach population under control:

  1. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight
  2. Empty trash cans frequently
  3. Report any water leaks – check under your sink on a regular basis
  4. Do not store any open containers of food – this includes large bags of rice, which need to be stored in airtight containers
  5. Keep the kitchen walls and stove clean from grease (especially when cooking with grease over very high heat)
  6. Do not store grocery bags or cardboard boxes

Please see our Pests page for additional tips and information. If pest problems arise in your apartment, complete an online work order.

How do I arrange parking?

First-year students are not permitted to have a car on-Grounds. First-year parking exceptions will only be granted with an approved SDAC (Student Disability Access Center) accommodation. For more information, see the "Parking Eligibility for First Years" section at UVA Parking & Transportation's Student Parking webpage.

All residents with vehicles in Upperclass, Graduate, and Faculty/Staff housing are required to obtain UVA parking permits for themselves and any guests. For resident and visitor permits, contact Parking & Transportation (P&T) at 434.924.7231. The P&T office is located at 1101 Millmont Street, behind the Barracks Road Shopping Center.

Parking permit requirements are enforced at all times and tickets will be issued for vehicles parked illegally.

Can you provide a proof of residence?

Proof of residence requests from a third party require a signed release of information form to be submitted by the resident in question. Completed release forms can be faxed to the Housing & Residence Life office at 434.924.9641.

The Housing & Residence Life front desk staff in Gibbons House can also provide a signed form directly to the resident that will serve as a proof of residence for purposes such as voter registration, applying for a driver's license, or getting a loan. You may request a proof of residence form by contacting from your UVA email account or stopping by the Housing & Residence Life offices.

Both information release forms and proof of residence forms are picked up from the front desk in Gibbons House after a photo ID is presented.