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Wahoo Spins Program

Introducing Wahoo Spins!

Wahoo Spins is the University of Virginia's laundry credit program for students living in undergraduate on-Grounds housing.

Each semester, on-Grounds residents will receive 10 machine load credits that can operate washers or dryers in on-Grounds laundry rooms.

  • The credits are good for the entire semester, but do not carry over from one semester to the next.
  • Any credits remaining at the end of the semester will be forfeited.
  • If you continue to live on Grounds, your account will be refreshed with 10 new Wahoo Spins credits at the beginning of the next semester.

You can watch the video above to learn more about these credits and how to use them as payment in laundry rooms on Grounds!

Finding your Wahoo Spins credits

Wahoo Spins credits are available to use in the Speed Queen app, which you can download at



After opening the Speed Queen app and selecting the on-Grounds laundry room you would like to use, your Wahoo Spins credits will be displayed under "Cavalier Advantage Balance."

Cavalier Advantage funds that you or a family member load onto your account can also be used to pay for laundry, but will not display in the Speed Queen app until you've used your 10 free machine load credits.



The Speed Queen app also shows an Account Balance, which includes any funds that may have been loaded directly onto your Speed Queen app with a credit card or debit card.

Paying for laundry

To pay for laundry using your Wahoo Spins credits, select the machine that you are want to use.



On the page that follows, click the Cavalier Advantage slider.



One of your Wahoo Spins laundry credits, valued at $1.75, will be used to operate that machine.

Click the red "Pay" button to confirm payment and start the machine.