- Must be enrolled as a full-time student in an undergraduate program and must have at least one year experience as a Resident Advisor.
- Must be in academic good standing with their school of enrollment and must meet the minimum cumulative 2.25 GPA requirement at the time of application and while under the Program Agreement.
- Must be in good judicial/disciplinary standing with Housing & Residence Life and the University.
The Senior Resident provides leadership for an association and supports the residential students in that area in order to achieve the Housing & Residence Life’s mission to work collaboratively to create inclusive, welcoming communities where residents are empowered to engage their potential as scholars and leaders through self-governance and participation in their residential community. They fulfill the functions listed below as well as other duties that arise or as assigned. The Senior Resident report(s) to the Chair(s) and a Residence Life Coordinator.
Association Leadership and Development
- The foundational and most important responsibilities are to:
- Implement the overall goals and mission of Housing & Residence Life within the association through active engagement and immersion within the community.
- Supervise, advise, and support the Resident Advisors for the association. This includes regular meetings and communications to ensure that staff have the information and guidance necessary to meet the program goals and to ensure that University policies and procedures are uniformly addressed. Senior Residents will identify and refer concerns that are too severe or beyond the scope of Resident Staff.
- Support the academic mission of the University through fostering a residential community conducive to academic success, engagement with association dean (if applicable), and referring students to resources.
- Other responsibilities for this role include:
- Serve as the advisor to the Association Council (except in Residential Colleges), attend Association Council meetings, attend Association Council events, and conduct regular meetings with respective Association Council president.
- Respond to incidents within the association, support Resident Staff and residents who are impacted by a situation. Role model compliance with University policies and encourage the same of staff and residents.
- Manage budget for the community.
- Regularly assess the impact of the association’s staff team on the residential experience. Promote the recognition of staff members who are going above and beyond. Conduct evaluations of staff members and address performance concerns that may arise.
Time Commitments
- The position begins following acceptance during the spring semester and ends in May of the following year.
- During the spring semester, responsibilities include onboarding meetings, senior staff training sessions, and all-staff orientation.
- During the summer, responsibilities include attending senior staff training and implementing RA training.
- During the academic year, the time commitment is significant as Senior Residents are the supervisor for a residential association; they lead the opening and closing process for the association; they help with the selection, training, evaluation, and promotion processes; and they guide their association council.
- Remuneration* for Senior Resident – first-year dorms, upperclass apartments, IRC, and JMW: A furnished apartment or room rent-free during term of appointment; a partial Resident Staff Meal Plan - $420 flex dollars per semester; and $1450 per semester.
- Remuneration* for Senior Resident – Brown College, Language Houses, Hereford College, Lawn, and other designated areas: A furnished apartment or room rent-free during the term of appointment; a partial Resident Staff Meal Plan (140 meals per semester + $210 flex dollars per semester); and $1450 per semester.
Remuneration Note
* Remuneration amount/type and Resident Staff Meal Plan amount/type are subject to change. Students receiving financial aid should confer with UVA Student Financial Services to understand whether some or all remuneration will be applied to reducing the balance of loans or grants in the financial aid package rather than in refunds of room and board payments.
Parking permits are not part of the Resident Staff remuneration. There is no requirement that any member of Resident Staff have a personal vehicle on-Grounds. Housing & Residence Life will send the name of members of Resident Staff to Parking & Transportation each semester. If a member of Resident Staff wishes to have a vehicle on-Grounds, it is their responsibility to purchase a parking permit from Parking & Transportation. The location and availability of parking is subject to change at any time. This includes but is not limited to special events, construction, or changes by Parking & Transportation.