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Resident Staff Awards

At the end of the academic year, we honor the hard work and many achievements of Resident Staff over the past year. These awards give Housing & Residence Life an opportunity to recognize outstanding staff members and on-Grounds partners who contribute to the mission and work of the Resident Staff Program. Indeed, it is even an honor to be nominated for one of these awards, especially because most of the nominations come from the ranks of the student members of Resident Staff. The criteria for each award is outlined below. Please take the time to nominate staff members who have contributed to our collective efforts to serve the University's residential communities.

Nominations may be made online between Tuesday, April 1 and Monday, April 14, 2025 at 11:59 PM. Awards will be given at the annual Resident Staff Banquet, which will take place in May.


Melissa D. Holland graduated from the College of Arts & Sciences in 1982 with a degree in English languages and literature. Her many contributions to the University included participation as an outstanding member of the Resident Staff Program for two years. Melissa's sensitivity and concern for others made her an exemplary Resident Advisor. The Melissa D. Holland Memorial Award has been established to remember Melissa through those traits which were so characteristic of her. The award is presented annually to a currently enrolled University student who has been involved in the Resident Staff Program for at least two years and who best exemplifies the qualities of compassion, gentleness toward others' feelings, sincerity, and warmth.

The Melissa D. Holland Memorial Award is $3,000 applied to the recipient's financial aid package.

In order to be eligible, a student must be nominated by a past or present member of the Resident Staff Program or one of the administrators of the Program. All members of Staff with at least two years of experience are to be considered for nomination: RAs, SRs, Vice Chairs, and Co-Chairs.


The Robert T. Canevari award was established in August of 1994. This award recognizes a Resident Staff member who exemplifies Mr. Canevari's commitment and dedication to fostering the ideals of leadership, civility, and the appreciation of diversity within the University community.

To nominate an individual, please submit a letter describing the ways that a staff member fulfills the above criteria. All members of staff are to be considered for nomination: RAs, SRs, Vice Chairs, and Co-Chairs. Please cite examples of how the individual demonstrates this commitment.


This award will recognize a Resident Staff member who exemplifies Dr. Grossman's commitment and dedication to fostering a healthy student environment, particularly in the area of alcohol and other drug education. Nominees should be Resident Staff members who have worked to foster a healthy living environment, provided educational programming on health issues (especially on alcohol and other drugs), and served as a role model for healthy living.

To nominate an individual, please submit a letter describing the ways that a Staff member fulfills the above criteria. All members of Staff are to be considered for nomination: RAs, SRs, Vice Chairs, and Co-Chairs. Please cite examples of how the individual demonstrates this commitment.


In the spring of 1989, the Chester R. Titus Award was established to honor the contributions of Chester Titus to the Resident Staff Program. Chester Titus worked with the Resident Staff Program for over 29 years and was largely responsible for developing the Resident Staff Program at the University. Dean Titus believed in students; he created an atmosphere on Resident Staff where administrators and students worked together as colleagues. As a result of Dean Titus' contributions, Resident Staff is a student organization that has a collaborative, constructive relationship with Deans, Area Coordinators, and administrative staff.

The award honors a member of the Resident Staff Program who actively advanced the value of self-governance within the Program. Nominees should be staffers who have taken ownership of their experience, provided excellent peer leadership, and sought to empower others to do the same.

To nominate an individual, please submit a letter describing the ways that a Staff member fulfills the above criteria. All members of Staff are to be considered for nomination: RAs, SRs, Vice Chairs, and Co-Chairs. Please cite examples of how the individual demonstrates this commitment.


This award will be given to the student or professional within the Resident Staff Program who has empowered students to find their voice and speak out on what is right for the community, or to have used their own voice when none other was present. Because this type of courage is illustrated by few individuals, this award will not be given on a yearly basis unless there is someone worthy of distinction through their actions. The recipient of this award will be the person who meets most, if not all, of the following criteria:

  • has used their voice to advocate for diversity and inclusion;
  • has empowered and guided students toward their personal passions, and educated them on how the systems of the University work in order to better accomplish their goals;
  • has exercised candid discourse, calling out a behavior or issue instead of ignoring or pretending that it is something else;
  • has used their voice to address unpopular and controversial issues, despite potential negative consequences, because it was the right thing to do.

To nominate an individual, please submit a letter describing the ways that a Staff member fulfills the criteria above. All members of Staff are to be considered for nomination: RAs, SRs, Vice Chairs, and Co-Chairs. Please cite examples of stories about the individual that demonstrate this commitment.


Gregory J. Canty graduated from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering. He served the University for three years as an invested Resident Advisor for first-year communities. Greg worked actively as Assistant Program Coordinator for Resident Advisor Selection and was instrumental in designing the technical components of the application and scoring systems for hiring new resident advisors that reflect his commitment to consistency and equal opportunities for everyone. The Gregory J. Canty Award has been established to recognize a member of the Resident Staff who embodies the traits of caring, humility, and fairness that Greg exemplified.

The Gregory J. Canty Memorial Award is $1,500 by check.

To nominate an individual, please submit a letter describing the ways that a current Resident Staff member fulfills the criteria above. All members of Staff are to be considered for nomination: RAs, SRs, Vice Chairs, and Co-Chairs. Please cite examples of how the individual demonstrates these qualities.

(for staffers who were new to the RA role this academic year)

The Outstanding New Resident Advisor Award was established in 2019 to recognize a Resident Staff member who has, in the first year of their role, gone above and beyond the call of duty in fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for their residents and upholding the core values of the program. Awardees are to be first-time RAs who exhibit excellence in their role, establish meaningful and long-lasting relationships with their residents, and are marked by their selfless service to their fellow staff members.

To nominate an individual, please submit a letter describing the ways that a current Resident Staff member fulfills the criteria above. Only RAs who have served for one year or less on Resident Staff are to be considered for nominations. Please cite examples of how the individual demonstrates these qualities.