This information is provided for review only. If selected for appointment to Resident Staff, you will complete an official Program Agreement with Housing & Residence Life.
Any staffer who might need special consideration or accommodation in the performance of Resident Staff-related responsibilities due to a disability is encouraged to inform Housing & Residence Life. Disabilities might include the need for an accessible building, hearing impairment, severe allergies, etc. If you already have documentation on file with SDAC (Student Disability Access Center), please indicate below. Otherwise, you must have a treating provider complete the verification of disability form.
__ I do not have any disability-related accommodation requests.
__ I have an accommodation request and my documentation is already on file with SDAC.
__ I have an accommodation request and do not currently have documentation on file, but will file documentation with SDAC as soon as possible.
If you have other accommodation requests that you'd like to share or discuss, please contact Shanna Carmack at
- The Resident Staff appointment is for the entire academic year beginning with orientation until all respective residents have vacated in May. This includes all dates that our residential facilities are open to students (the Fall semester, January Term, the Spring semester, and breaks/recesses). Additional requirements exist for Resident Staff in upperclass, language houses, and residential colleges through Final Exercises.
- There will be Resident Staff in residence throughout the entire academic year. Minimal staff presence during January Term is at least one staff member per area. Extra staff presence may also be required during January Term to support residents participating in recruitment.
- Resident Staff must meet all of the terms and the conditions of appointment set forth in this Agreement, as well as in the respective RA or CA position description, or as otherwise requested by Housing & Residence Life or the University.
- Year-to-year reappointment decisions should not be assumed but will be made based on a review of the staff member's performance and their application for reappointment. If at any time a member of Resident Staff doesn't meet the conditions of their position description and/or this agreement, they may be referred to their supervisors or the Accountability Council and may lose their position.
- Remuneration for RAs includes a waiver of normal room rent and a partial Resident Staff Meal Plan*. Community Assistants receive a waiver of normal room rent. If a Community Assistant requests a 2- or 3-bedroom apartment, then a discount based on a single, apartment room rate will be applied to their rent. * Resident Staff Meal Plan amount/type is subject to change.
- Remuneration through the Resident Staff program may impact or change an individual's financial aid package. It is important to check with a staff member at Student Financial Services to understand how an individual's financial aid package may be impacted or changed.
- Staffers are expected to complete the basic duties as described in the respective RA or CA position descriptions. Additional responsibilities and expectations will be communicated during trainings and throughout the year. Resident Staff members are to be thoroughly familiar with University policies and procedures.
- Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a guarantee of a Resident Staff appointment. Housing & Residence Life reserves its right to terminate the assignment or to change the appointment duration at any time, with or without good cause, for any reason not prohibited by applicable law, upon written notice to a member of Resident Staff.
- RA Room assignments are made through a self-governing process. Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to re-assign Resident Staff based on specific needs or circumstances. Resident Staff may need to be relocated to other buildings due to facilities work, construction, emergencies, closure of a residential community, or other circumstances. This includes RA rooms that may need to be consolidated into double rooms (two RAs in a room) in the event of a housing / occupancy emergency.
- If a member of Resident Staff is removed from their position (voluntarily or involuntarily), they will lose their housing associated with their position and need to vacate; the student will lose their meal plan, any unused balance will revert to the University; the student may be required to vacate any other position within Housing & Residence Life (i.e., front desk worker, mailroom assistant, conference services assistant, etc.)
- The University of Virginia ("UVA") does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, military status (which includes active duty service members, reserve service members, and dependents), national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, pregnancy (including childbirth and related conditions), race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, and family medical or genetic information, in its programs and activities. The Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity and more information can be found on the EOCR website.
- The core values of Housing & Residence Life are collaboration, resilience, operational effectiveness, empowerment, personal accountability, and diversity, equity, & inclusion. Resident Staff are expected to incorporate these core values into their respective roles.
- Personal conduct will be consistent with the position of a Resident Staff member.
- Resident Staff members act as agents of the University and are expected to support and comply with University policies and to encourage other students to do the same.
- Resident Staff will not engage in insubordinate behavior, demonstrate continuous negative attitudes, create team conflicts, or cause other performance issues.
- Resident Staff are trusted with confidential information whether through discussion or in written/electronic form. Resident Staff will not share confidential information with others. This includes, but is not limited to, resident follow-up meetings and SafeGrounds records.
- The Chairs of the Resident Staff program represent Resident Staff to the University, the press, and the public. Any inquiries by the press or other media outlets seeking a statement by, or the official position of, the Resident Staff program should be referred to the Chairs. Individual Resident Staff members may speak to the media or public in their individual capacities, making clear they are not speaking on behalf of or for the program.
- Resident Staff members are advised not to have nor enter into supervisory, evaluative, or advisory relationships or authority over anyone with whom they have or have had an amorous or intimate relationship.
- Resident Staff are not permitted to transport residents in their personal vehicles or ride in other residents' cars when affiliated with a Resident Staff-sponsored event, initiative, or in the capacity of their positions.
- Resident Staff may not consume alcohol, marijuana, or any other substances or be under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or any other substances at any time during on call or coverage.
- Coverage responsibilities occur throughout the semester to develop a safe environment within residential communities, to help link students to resources when needed, and to follow-up on concerns. Coverage may also be required during major University events, Reading Days, and in the event of emergencies. Expectations, information and dates will be reviewed during fall orientation.
- Sexual and gender-based harassment and other forms of interpersonal violence are prohibited by federal law and University policy. The University has the authority to investigate reports of such incidents made against students, including student members of the Resident Staff program, and to determine appropriate sanctions. Resident Staff are required to report any possible violations of the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence immediately through the designated system.
- Resident Staff are designated as a "Campus Security Authority (CSA)." Clery Act Crimes ("Clery Crimes") must be reported to the University immediately through the designated system. Information about the Clery Act and "Clery Crimes" can be viewed on the UVA Clery Act website.
- Hazing is a crime in Virginia and is prohibited by University policy and the University Standards of Conduct. State or local law enforcement agencies investigate allegations of hazing under Virginia law. The Office of the Dean of Students investigates allegations of hazing under University policy. The University has created a Hoos Against Hazing website that provides information and resources aimed at hazing prevention and education.
Resident Staff are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.25 and be in good academic standing as defined by their school during the term of appointment. Failure to meet this requirement will result in removal from Resident Staff.
Grades and academic standing will be reviewed at the end of each semester: In each of these instances, Resident Staff are eligible to return to the program when their academic standing has been repaired. If a staffer knows, or has reason to believe, that they will fail to meet the academic requirements as stated above, they must report their semester grades (whether Spring or Fall) directly to the Assistant Dean to facilitate a timely review of academic eligibility for the program.
- Any student not in good standing with their school of enrollment, a semester GPA below 2.0, or multiple occurrences of a semester GPA below 2.25 will be required to leave staff.
- A semester GPA between 2.0 and 2.25 will result in "probationary status" which requires the cessation of other outside activities.
- Attendance is required at all training sessions - this includes spring training sessions, O-Week, in-service trainings, January training, selections training, and any area/all-staff meetings as necessary. Housing & Residence Life reserves its right to change formats, locations, dates, and times of required training sessions as needed. Please note that updates or changes to formats, locations, dates, and times of required training sessions are not acceptable reasons to miss training sessions, so please don't make summer commitments (travelling, internships, etc.) that you cannot cancel.
- Academic-related internships or other requirements (including student teaching related obligations, nursing clinicals, co-ops and practica, etc.) are limited to a maximum of twenty (20) hours per week, including travel time. If Resident Staff members choose to seek University employment and fulfill an academic-related requirement, the total hours for both combined cannot exceed 20 hours. Due to the time commitment of some academic obligations, it may not be possible to be on Resident Staff. Such obligations include those that create a time conflict which keeps a student away from Grounds and which make it impossible to fulfill the expectations of the position. Any exceptions to this expectation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean or their designee.
- In addition to the time commitments listed above, Resident Staff will be in residence prior to the arrival of residents for the Fall semester and the return of their residents from all recesses and semester breaks. Resident Staff will remain on duty and be available until all residents for whom they are responsible have departed for recesses and semester completion. Resident Staff members may be released early only after receiving approval from Housing & Residence Life. These dates will be published at the start of each semester and may be changed if the academic schedule changes.
- The RA or CA position is not easily translated into hours worked per day or week. It is estimated that approximately 10 hours per week is required on average to perform the outlined duties and responsibilities.
After having reviewed the position description and this program agreement, I accept a Resident Staff appointment for 2025-2026. In accepting this appointment, I agree to all the terms of the position as outlined above and in the position description. Additionally, I acknowledge that I am agreeing to act as an agent of the University of Virginia when serving in the position.
DATE _______________________________ SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________________________________________