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Comparing On- and Off-Grounds Housing

Considering an Off-Grounds Move?

Below are factors that you'll want to keep in mind and compare when you're considering whether to live on- or off-Grounds.

Decision dates

On-Grounds undergraduate housing deadlines are in November for students returning to the same housing area, or applying to residential colleges and language houses. The application deadline for all other undergraduate housing is early in the spring semester (typically in January).

Off-Grounds housing options are available through the spring.

Average cost per room

The average on-Grounds housing cost in 2023-2024 is $930 a month, with a 9-month commitment based on the academic year.

The average off-Grounds housing cost in 2023-2024 ranges from $869 - $1949 per room, per month for a 12-month lease.


All on-Grounds utilities are included ($0 additional cost).

Off-Grounds utilities are not always included. The average monthly cost for utilities per unit (based on a 915 ft² apartment) is $140 a month, in addition to rent.


All on-Grounds undergraduate housing is furnished.

Off-Grounds housing may or may not be furnished.


On-Grounds housing does not include parking.

Off-Grounds housing may or may not include parking.


On-Grounds housing includes free WiFi in all rooms.

Off-Grounds housing may or may not include WiFi.

How the space is secured

The on-Grounds process includes submitting the housing application, selecting a room, and accepting the housing agreement. No pre-payment or fees are required.

The off-Grounds process includes signing a lease. There may be an application fee.

Security deposit

There is no security deposit for on-Grounds housing.

A security deposit is required for off-Grounds housing.

Flexibility (study abroad, withdraw)

Students who will be studying abroad or who withdraw from the University can be released from their on-Grounds housing contract.

Students who will be away from the University for the same reasons must continue to pay their off-Grounds housing rent, or must find a replacement resident.

Financial aid award

The financial aid award for housing for students living on Grounds is paid directly to UVA Housing on behalf of the students.

Students who live off Grounds must manage their financial aid award for housing and where it is paid.

Financial accountability

Students living on Grounds are responsible solely for their own finances.

Students living off Grounds may be held financially responsible in situations concerning their roommates, and vice versa.

University bus stops

UTS bus stops are always near to on-Grounds housing.

UTS bus stops may or may not be near to off-Grounds housing.

Maintenance and property security

The University is responsible for maintaining on-Grounds housing and making sure it is secure.

The landlord/property management company is responsible for maintaining off-Grounds housing and making sure it is secure.