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  • Hereford Residential College
    Hereford Residential College

What is Hereford College Like?

Students choose Hereford College for its active programming and events built around themes of sustainability and cultural diversity. Forty faculty, graduate student, and community Fellows are committed to engaging Hereford’s 200 residents outside the classroom, and the spacious grounds on spectacular Observatory Hill afford great opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, including playing fields, outdoor tables, and the popular "hammock" terrace.

Hereford’s two houses -- Norris and Whyburn -- are air-conditioned, with rooms opening onto common hallways. Approximately 28 students live on each floor, sharing a common bathroom and two furnished lounges. In general, rooms are double-occupancy for first-year students, and single-occupancy for upperclass students.

Please see Hereford College's website to learn more about this vibrant community and see the current calendar of events. Also note that upperclass students living in Hereford College are required to participate in a meal plan.

Hereford College rooms and capacities include:
single-occupancy (1-person), upperclass students: 126 rooms, 126 students
double-occupancy (2-person), upperclass students: 7 rooms, 14 students
double-occupancy (2-person), incoming first-year students: 30 rooms, 60 students

How the Houses Got Their Names

Louisiana native and physicist Frank Hereford was a University alumnus who worked on research for the Manhattan Project. He was head of the physics department and Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences before he served as the University’s fifth president (1974-1985).

  • Betty Norris joined the faculty of the School of Nursing in 1958, serving successfully as professor, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Programs, and Assistant Dean of Students. She was also President of the Alumni Association for two terms.

  • Born in Texas, Gordon Thomas Whyburn came to the University in 1934 as professor of mathematics. A founding member of the Center for Advanced Studies in 1966, he was recognized as one of the nation’s foremost authorities in the field of topology.

Amenities & Furnishings

1 or 2 extra-long twin lofted beds [80" x 36"]
1 or 2 desks with carrels and chairs
1 or 2 dressers
1 or 2 wardrobes
Window blinds (must be left in place)
Hard surface floors
Wireless connection to the University's computer network
Air conditioning

What's Nearby

Slaughter Rec, Aquatic & Fitness Center, Scott Stadium
Runk Dining Hall
Study/TV lounges, meeting space, computer lab
Playing fields and gardens
Bus service every 20 minutes
Walking and biking trails
Mail room
Laundry facilities on the ground floor of Runk Hall
Student kitchens in each building


Floor Plans

  • Hereford Residential College double sample floor plan
    Hereford Residential College double sample floor plan
    Adjustable-height lofted beds
    80"L x 36"W x 60"H
    Carrel with tackboard on top of desk
    42"W x 12"D x 24"H
    48"W x 24"D x 30"H
    3-drawer Dresser with pull-out white board surface
    28"W x 24"D x 30"H
    3-drawer pedestal on casters (1 large drawer and 2 small drawers)
    16"W x 20"D x 27"H
    72"H x 42"W x 24"D with mirror. Includes 3 drawers and hanging area.
    54"H x 40"W x 2"D inside
  • Hereford Residential College single sample floor plan
    Hereford Residential College single sample floor plan
    Adjustable-height lofted beds
    80"L x 36"W x 60"H
    Carrel with tackboard on top of desk
    42"W x 12"D x 24"H
    48"W x 24"D x 30"H
    3-drawer Dresser with pull-out white board surface
    28"W x 24"D x 30"H
    3-drawer pedestal on casters (1 large drawer and 2 small drawers)
    16"W x 20"D x 27"H
    72"H x 42"W x 24"D with mirror (includes 3 drawers and hanging area)
    54"H x 40"W x 2"D inside
  • Hereford Residential Area buildings map


Mail and Package Pickup
Runk Hall in Hereford College, near laundry room
(434) 982-1846
Regular Mailroom Hours

Monday-Friday: 4-7 p.m.

Sunday: 2-4 p.m.

Mailrooms are closed on Saturdays

Distance to Central Grounds

8 minutes
24 minutes
11 minutes
Bus Routes
Gold, Green

Living at Hereford College

Living at Hereford College