Spring Break is right around the corner! While all on-Grounds housing will remain open, your plans may take you off Grounds. Whether you plan to stay on Grounds or enjoy your break elsewhere, this information below is important and useful.
Spring Break Housing (2025)
- All first-year and upperclass housing areas, including residential colleges and language houses, will remain open during Spring Break (March 8-16).
- UVA Dine will operate on a limited schedule from March 8-16, with additional locations reopening the evening of Sunday, March 16.
- Student Council is offering Spring Break Meal Kit signups through March 1 for students who require food assistance and will be remaining on Grounds.
- University Transit Service (UTS) will not run on March 8, 9, 15, and 16. UTS buses will operate their Recess Service from March 10-14.
- All on-Grounds mailrooms (Bond, Lambeth, Page, Runk, Shannon) will be open limited hours from March 10-13 for package pickup:
- Residents will be notified by email when a package has arrived
- Mailrooms will be closed March 8-9 and 14-16
- Regular mailroom hours resume on Monday, March 17 -- please see housing.virginia.edu/mail for more information
Safety Reminders
Housing in University of Virginia residences during the break is offered under the same terms and conditions as stated on your academic year Housing Agreement. As there will be fewer residents staying on Grounds, it's good to be especially mindful of your personal safety. Please take the following precautions:
- Call 911 if you need help.
- If you notice anything suspicious or unusual, or at any time think that your personal safety is at risk, please contact the University Police at 911 immediately.
- Consider keeping a cell phone with you at all times, in case you need to call 911.
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
- Check to make sure that you are aware of who is in the common areas and hallways of the building before venturing into them.
- Check the bathroom area before entering.
- Walking
- Plan ahead to ensure that you stay in well-lit areas at dusk, dawn, or when it is dark.
- Do not walk alone after dark; walk with a friend.
- Doors and Windows
- Keep your room/suite/apartment door locked at all times. This includes when you are in the room and when you leave for any reason.
- Do not prop open any doors.
- Do not let anyone into the building. Anyone authorized to stay must use his or her own access card to gain entrance to the building.
- Do not unblock or leave any windows open.
- Guests
- Non-resident guests are not allowed to enter the buildings during the break period.
Before Leaving for Spring Break...
- Make sure all water faucets are turned off to prevent water damage.
- Turn off room lights. Draw the shades/blinds and lock all windows and doors.
- Empty trash and recyclables.
- Unplug all electrical equipment EXCEPT full-size refrigerators.
- Empty and clean your refrigerator. Personal refrigerators should be unplugged with the refrigerator door left open to prevent mildew. Full-size refrigerators in apartments can be kept plugged in.
- If you are responsible for cleaning your bathroom (those in upperclass apartments, with a private bathroom, etc.), Spring Break is a great time to do it. Cleaning information, including product recommendations, is available on our website.
- Take passports, travel tickets, medications, and any valuables with you.
- Bring your bicycle inside. It is more secure if you put it in your room.
- Store motorcycles, mopeds, electric bikes, and electric scooters outside. They are a potential fire hazard if left in student rooms.
- Submit a work order for any maintenance or facilities concerns in your room so that they may be addressed by staff during the break.
Start Thinking About Move-Out
Remember all of the boxes and belongings that you brought to Grounds at move-in? It's only weeks from the time when you will have to pack it all up to move back home, along with everything you've accumulated during the year. Start planning ahead now, and move-out will be a breeze!
- Consider simplifying your move with Storage Squad, the University's preferred storage and shipping partner. You can visit their website to learn more about this service, check out an online price estimator, or reserve your preferred pickup date today!
- Take winter items with you when you go home for Spring Break.
- Start collecting boxes. They're hard to find when thousands of students are moving out at the same time!