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Incoming First-Year Undergraduates

Find Your Place

University of Virginia students take on challenges and make important contributions, each finding their place. The environment at UVA is designed to maximize opportunities for community, self-governance, personal development, and intellectual growth. There's no better example than on-Grounds housing. Centrally-located, student residential communities are in close proximity to virtually all academic classrooms, contemporary dining facilities, and state-of-the-art fitness centers.

All incoming first-year undergraduates live on-Grounds.* The links below provide information on the areas in which first years may be placed. Housing assignments are made on a random basis. As a first year, you can also choose to live in one of UVA's residential colleges, close-knit communities that foster social and intellectual interaction between faculty and students of all years.

First-year students pay the same rate ($8,310 for academic year 2025-2026) regardless of which residence area they live in, or whether they are assigned to a single, double or triple room.

Answers to your questions

More information is available in our First-Year Housing FAQ and What to Bring FAQ.

Disclaimer regarding on-Grounds requirement for first-years

* Does not include Transfer or Graduate students. If you are married, a single parent, or a non-traditionally aged student, you may qualify for consideration to live off-Grounds. Please send your exemption request to